Nerd or Turd is Under Redevelopment due to hacker!
This site was hacked and the database was dropped (Deleted). Luckily I had very minor backups that I could restore.
I have learnt alot from this complete and utter **** (Use a four letter inpolite word here or just use turd).
I will be ready for any more hacking attacks 😉
If you would like to see some of the details of the hacker please see below:
- Changed my “Site Title” to Hacked.
One interesting thing I found out was if you have access to cPanel and can use PhpMyAdmin you can look in the tables in the database and you can see his own admin user account he edited/created. Your admin account will no longer work for trying to access the actual WordPress site.
Once you have changed the login details to your own so you can regain access to the admin area of WordPress you can then take note of the plugin names you have installed. When you reinstall WordPress you ca now find the plugins you used before more easily. (They could well be on the server still if you check with FTP program).
If anyone else has any tips to help resolve this issue that would be great as it actually affected thousands of WordPress blogs and sites.
My first tip is to backup very often!
All users please bare with me whilst the site is redeveloped.