
This website was setup to aid learning, have fun, and to provide information that is helpful to everyone all over the world. NerdorTurd is targeting users with different interests and aims to provide factual and honest information and hopefully the users comments will be.

Why submit random Nerdsicles/Articles?

To allow users to learn and share information that will impact a wider amount of users.
Having knowledge about everything will make you a Nerd. You certainly don’t want to be a turd.
To increase website traffic.

Other reasons the site was developed:
To understand how to use Google Analytics, SEO and how to appear near the top of Googles search engine.
Expand web development skills.
Increase knowledge in all different areas
To make some additional income rather than working so many hours.
The statistics for the website will be monitored to understand website traffic in more detail.

This site has been put together on the 6th October 2009 and was officially running on: 9/01/2010.

Comments are closed.

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