Nerd or Turd Launched – (
Welcome to Nerd or Turd
Nerd or Turd will be updated weekly with interesting information such as;
- Random tips
- Facts
- Quotes
- Computer problems
- Technology
- iPhone Applications Reviews
- Scams
- Healthy Eating and many other random but interesting topics.
I hope the information I post is of use to you and may help in some way. Please comment on my posts and feel free to let me know your opinions or correct me in a vary rare case where I may be wrong.
If you would like to submit any information or articles you have created please let me know and I will happily put your name to the article.

The following domains have now been registered so you should be able to find the site easily:
(.com was purchased on: 13/01/2010 as I put more funds into the website.)
Any comments on the site would be appreciated and if you would like to contact me feel free to write a comment.
I hope you enjoy the site,